Today was our first day at Nutre Hogar. After arriving at the center, we immediately got down on the floor and started to play with the kids. Some kids were hesitant to play with us, while others picked a person to hold on to for the entire morning. Some of us got the chance to do inventory of the donations, and others were able to watch physical therapy with the kids. After a couple of hours, it was time for lunch. We sat our kids down in their high-chairs and began to feed them a lunch of rice, beans and chicken. Once they were finished with lunch, we brought them to the sleeping room and gave them a bath. When we finished giving baths, we got the kids ready for bed and put them down for a nap. While the kids were napping, we went home for lunch with our families. During the couple of hours that we had free, we hung out and spent time with our families. Around 3 o'clock we made our way to Cheesecake, a pastry shop in town. At Cheesecake, we chatted about our day and the days to come. We shared our experiences and talked about the schedule for the next few days. After Cheesecake we went back to Nutre Hogar to meet with our families, and from there we left to spend the night with them. We're looking forward to playing with the kids again tomorrow and we will keep you posted.
Mira comforting a baby at Nutre Hogar
Susan and Paloma bathing a baby
Jordyn playing with a baby before bed time
Paloma, Megan, Mary, and Natalia helping to feed the babies
Gerry surrounded!