Typically days of rest, Sundays are spent relaxing and getting to know our host families even better. Some ventured out on various excursions, while others took the day to unwind. For me, the day was one to be spent exploring Santiago and simply enjoying the beautiful (but very hot) weather. My brother attended a swim meet that our host family competed in; athletes from different Panamanian cities came together to participate in this event. I, however, relaxed by the pool, and eventually grabbed lunch with my mother. We ran into Super Carnes to grab a few necessities. The selection of the store ranged from fruits and vegetables to children's toys. I devoted the rest of the afternoon to yoga, walks, and reading. Later, I witnessed the festivities celebrating Santiago Apostle near the cathedral. After a restful and rejuvenating day, I look forward to the future days spent aiding and the enjoying the malnourished children of Nutre Hogar.
Panama is the most biodiverse country in the world, according to the Biomuseo in Panama City
Paloma and her host family's parrot
The pool